Here we find that there is no inattention in the Zionist system, in the time we still snore in deep sleep, it is enough to give you an example, in the shiny days, I sit with a book in my hand in the park vicinal my house, every time pass an old man with his dog, and we talk for some minutes, at first blush and from his face features I known him as Zionist, I pretend that I didn't remark that, as they do, after I started to move toward you with this study, last time when I greeting him he stayed stand looking in my eyes, he was wearing at short its color like the color of what called Israel.
This is the Zionism, utilize even the olds, it has communication methods, rolls distribution, inform each other about any one of us, but we didn't think till now to know them and them activities, and we didn't communicate each other, all of that because we don't belong to an system, and I am sure that habitant in the building of this old man are more than the Zionists in this area, but they are without system and activities and they don't know each other.
Thus how much we are inattentive. When an person come to you with accusation to other person, don't bolt and shrink on yourself, own your brain and will and sit with the accused till you know the truth, may be the accused is innocent, and the person who accuse him want spreading the poisons and the sedition and he seek to tearing us, but seek to meet them together to know the truth, and inform the others, here the fear, confusion, isolation, doubt, weakness will not rule us. But will rule us the conscious system and our belonging to each other.
Don't leave to the Zionists the chance to treat you as alone, alone as human, activity and belonging, in our system we have to tell about who make doubt, and about the Zionists which whirl around us, and seeking to be between us.
One thing we have to perceive which we have not to fear, the fear have no constituents in us, like the Zionists who live with the fear and apprehension, they perceive that they live in a Arabic Islamic Christian sea, suffer in this historical stage from the retardation, tear, and weakness, and they perceive that this will not remain forever.
They perceive that Alger as example despite its retardation, and despite it is occupied 120 year, liberated at the end, and they perceive that all the colonial invasions in our land has defeated at the end, practically they are afraid, and all them works and activities formed by the act of this fear, they will stay pant in this fear. all what I say to you in simplicity don't be afraid, who look in your eyes in sharpness to frighten you he is afraid, smile he declare himself, but you stay cool obscure and increase him fear, confusion and apprehension.